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3 day Plein Air Workshop - Midland, Tx

October 9, 10 & 11, 2020
Midland, Tx

Color & Composition

Learn to keep it Fresh and Simple!

Join me in Midland, Tx for a 3-day workshop and learn to create stronger compositions.  We will learn how color plays an important role in your compositions as well as value, masses and edges.  Each day will begin with a demonstration and quick lecture followed by students painting the remainder of the day.  The class will be kept small, maximum of 12 participants with ample time for individualized instruction at the easel.  You will receive a supply list after you register.  The workshop will emphasize simplifying shapes and accurate color and value mixing.The workshop is designed to encourage artists at all levels to attain greater mastery of their painting skills.


The cost of the workshop is $375. You will need to pay deposit to secure your spot.


Social distancing and mask regulations will be followed

during this workshop.




Fran Ellisor

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